Monday, February 29, 2016

Genetically Engineering Humans

I would agree with the idea of genetically modifying people. I would agree with this because I think that all people are inherently evil. These new humans may not be as evil as humans currently are. These new humans also would not do everything on a prudential basis. They might help out other people just for the heck of it. With these new humans we as people can finally have a democracy without people trying to bring it down. The government wouldn't have to be that strict anymore because people wouldn't want to kill other people for things like property. I think that the idea of genetically engineering humans is a good one.

Concept of Time

From the people at the Petrified National Forest Park Service - One thing we deal with here: the concept of time. What would your philosopher say about how we fit into the vast time spans represented by the fossil trees found in the Petrified National Forest?

I believe humans fit into these vast time spans by simply existing. Humans are just physical objects and really have no purpose in life other than to live.  We are sophisticated machines all of whose functions and activities can be described and explained in purely mechanistic terms.  Humans are naturally equal in body and mind, no one rises above to dominate. We seek to preserve ourselves against harm and death, just like the creatures living in these vast time spans. It is our human nature to want to survive, even if that means killing others.


Friday, February 26, 2016

One word that describes democracy today

Today, especially in the USA, there are democracies that give power to the people not just the leaders of the country. However, I was to say one word about democracy today, it would be useless, I believe that Monarchies are much more effective and give the leaders more power to make the decisions for their country. The decisions shouldn't be left directly to the people because they are radical and make reckless decisions for their own benefit. With a Monarchy, however, there is power placed mostly in a few groups of leaders that are to be trusted to make the correct decisions for their country.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016


I completely agree with Machiavelli's thinking that it is better to be a feared leader than a loved leader. He believed that the most effective leader was one that was feared because they are much more forceful to the people so that they are afraid of consequences of misconduct, rather than a leader that is loved and trusted by everyone, so they think that they can get away with anything. Fear keeps the people in order, which is exactly what I want to do, due to the fact that I believe that all people are evil and can not be trusted. I feel that no person is actually loyal or feels love or favor towards one another, they are just tricking them and will soon betray them, which I am actually afraid of the citizens doing to the government. In order to keep selfish mankind in order and as civil as possible, the only way to contain them is to make them live in fear of doing anything wrong or breaking any rules.


Saturday, February 20, 2016

The 1916 Organic Act

The 1916 Organic Act established the National Park Service, a government agency meant to preserve the environment and provide enjoyment to the public. To me, the use of government power is not an issue, for I firmly believe in total government control of all affairs. However, the government's purpose is to prevent chaos and violence among humans, and I am unsure of how a park service would contribute to peace. Providing entertainment and a clean environment may prevent societal chaos, but government efforts may be better invested in other causes, such as a stronger police force. I do not feel that the enactment of such measures is beyond government power, but I question how wisely the power was used.


Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Supreme Court Nominee (Obama)

Recently a man of great importance to the United States passed away. I am very sorrowful for the family of this man and his loved ones. I wish them the best of luck. But there is news going around about Obama not being able to pick the new candidate. I believe this is just silly. this is exactly what I warned you people about when I told you about the democracy system. I told you that it would not work out because now people are debating and arguing about a subject that could have been avoided. I think that this can be fixed by having one ruler take charge and making the decision. Your democracy America does not work. Have one ruler and your problems will fade away.  -TKS


What would your philosopher think of the idea of conformity, as seen in books like Anthem and Fahrenheit 451?

Conformity is the behavior that is socially accepted. In Anthem, conformity took place during the use of numbers as names. In Fahrenheit in 451, conformity took place during the burning of books, since they were forbidden.

Thinking about this question, I believe that I would be for conformity because it is just human nature. People now, and even in the past, want to “fit in with the crowd” and they accept different events so then they are not the odd one out. Conformity is seen every single day, even if you do not notice it. It is in what we see as acceptable in school or work. It is how we think people should treat one another. Conformity is just the way humans are. Read my book Human Nature today!

QUESTION #2 FOR PHILOSOPHER #4 - From Mrs. Uliasz, social studies teacher at BHS: What would your philosopher make of the motto, “Live Free or Die?”

               I pretty much think the the quote live free or die is not valid. The world should be ruled by one person, not a democracy. I think that man should not be able to make their own decisions. Society is brutish and to keep everything sane, I think it would be best if not everyone could have their own choice. Not everyone in the world can be free because if they were, that would make the world a lot worse. There would be more fights from their controversial opinions, and more and more people would die. Man is born evil and if everyone was free, there would just cause a lot more choas and death.

By Emily Adams

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Zika Virus

The Zika virus is a sickness spread by mosquitoes most prevalent in South America, more specifically Brazil. This virus can make people achy and have red eyes, but people are very rarely hospitalized and almost never die from the disease. However, because it is viral, it never leaves the bloodstream. The main problem with this virus is that it can easily pass to the fetus of the infected person if they are pregnant and they tend to have defects like abnormally small heads. Due to wanting to prevent this disease, America has placed bans on traveling to certain countries. I think this is a wonderful idea. It is necessary for the governmental leaders to keep their people safe in order to have a peaceful and well functioning society. Nobody should argue against this because it is for their own safety, and also the total monarchy that America should be would not deal with arguments. The Zika virus is dangerous and therefore America should place bans on places that contain the illness.

- OB

Monday, February 15, 2016

Nature or Nurture

I believe that it is more nature that shapes a person. I believe this because human nature is quite powerful and human nature is inherently evil. No matter how much nurture to make a person good they will still be, at the core, evil. Nurture can change a person a little bit on the outside however it is not enough to change the core of a person. The core of a person will be evil till their dying day because nothing can overcome human nature. Even though people like to think we can overcome the evil of human nature through nurture, those people are lying to themselves because the core of our souls, the most important part is what we are born with (human nature) won't ever change.
by: KL

Campaign Finance Reform

I am greatly opposed to the Campaign Finance Reform. This idea to have private sectors in order to supply candidates and their campaigns with money is clearly leading to problems. This gives more power to the individual and to the state, in which money is taken away from the government. To have an absolute dictatorship and keep the people safe, little factions are unacceptable and should not take place. Lastly, this will lead to corruption from the smaller groups in which scandals will take place. Money may be given to people that do not deserve it. This chaotic movement is not what a country should look like. A leader is key, a strong leader vital for success, but there is no need for these types of campaigns.


Does Intelligence Matter When Choosing a Leader?

In choosing a leader, intelligence is very important. I believe that a person or group should govern and decide what's right for the people and make any and all decisions. Since humans are evil creatures, a leader has to be smart and strong since they will be determining all that happens. The people aren't smart enough to choose the right things for themselves so they need an intelligent leader to guide them and stand for them. The people will only follow and be obedient to someone they know and believe to be a strong leader. Even if their leader rules by fear they need intelligence to control a whole society of nasty and brutish people. Not only intelligence but many other qualities should be considered when choosing a leader to make sure they lead their selfish and cruel people.

Friday, February 12, 2016

Which President Asks Good Questions?

The presidential candidate that asks the best questions is Donald Trump. He is the person that isn't afraid to ask the big questions. Trump's attitude lets him ask questions like these. He doesn't care what people make of him, this lets him ask the big questions. Trump asks questions like why something should be done and he is always the one that throws questions at the other delegates, and makes them talk. This is one reason that he has the highest approval ratings for the Republican nomination. I think that Trump asks the best questions because he asks the ones that can't be answered. He asks the questions that don't have hard answers. He asks things like how all of the illegal immigrants should be dispelled from the country.  Questions like these are trivial and don't have cold hard answers. Trump agrees with my philosophy in that humans are evil and everything needs to have a prudential basis. The idea of sending illegal immigrants away is a good one because if humans are inherently evil than they will do bad things. With more people in American there will be more bad things done. This is why Trump would the best president and how he asks the best questions.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Should Puerto Rico be given statehood?

Should Puerto Rico be given statehood? 
Puerto Rico should never become part of the United States. All of humanity is selfish and evil, and the only way to contain the people is to keep the population down. If there are too many people in the country, then they are more likely to start a rebellion, which never results in anything good.  In order to keep them as civil as possible, we will need to keep the country as small as possible, as well as changing the government into a monarchy. I do not like how involved Puerto Rico is in the American government, and I believe that the United States should keep to itself and play it safe. It is a bad idea to let more selfish people into this country and I believe that we should cut off all communication with them whatsoever because they are already too much of a burden to bear and cause worries about traitors.

On the Black Lives Matter Protests

     In my opinion, the protesters do have a valid point. The government's role is to ensure peace in society, but it is not doing enough. Under circumstances like these, the people should remind the government of who gave it power. However, some of these protests do result in more violence, which is not acceptable. People are fundamentally incapable of managing themselves, and any attempts at doing so are foolish. Because of this, the protesters should not have taken matters into their own hands, and should not have caused any kind of damage.

How would your philosopher respond to the fact that only 20% of the U.S is bilingual?

Question: How would your philosopher respond to the fact that only 20% of the U.S is bilingual?

Bilingual is when a person speaks more than one language. Most people in the United States only speak English, while only 20% speak two languages.

Reading this question makes me upset with how the United States set up their government. As you all may know, I am a huge fan of monarchies. The United State’s democracy ruined this country. If more people were bilingual, then this country may have a better relationship with other countries that do not speak English. If you look to a Royal Family, they speak many different languages, and their people also speak many different languages. If this country was run by a monarchy, more people would be bilingual.

- MG

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

On National Borders

          In my opinion on National borders are a necessary part of a country.  You have no clue what a person can do.  They might bring quality ideas and improvements to a country.  They can also wreak havoc and cause a ton of destruction to our country as well.  They need to be investigated before coming in, because there is no point to let a person who will not benefit the Nation.  They can also lie, which is rooted in human nature and that would also not turn out well for the country.  Because it is in human nature to be trash, and they cannot always be trusted.  It is much more beneficial for the country to be safe, than to be sorry on the border.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

My View On Happiness

QUESTION #4 FOR PHILOSOPHER #4: From Mrs. Dreyer, social studies teacher at BHS: What is your philosopher's definition of happiness? ANSWER/RESPONSE BLOGGED/TWEETED BY THURSDAY!

My personal view on hapiness is unclear. I could say that since I strongly believe that we should be ruled by monarchy, that would achieve happiness, but I am not a very happy guy. I for the most part believe that humans are evil and that human nature is not good, so that proves I am not a very optomistic person. But I do think that happiness could be achieved through knowledge and learning. I became a philosopher whe I randomly picked up a book while waiting for a friend. I think that learning can bring greatness and also happiness. Having a monarchy and leaning I think can bring overall happiness to a person.


Sunday, February 7, 2016

Federal Aid

What would your Enlightenment philosopher think about federal aid to those in need, such as the New Deal during the Great Depression?

I am very much in favor of federal aid such as the New Deal. Federal aid further proves my argument that government is absolutely necessary. After the Great Depression, Roosevelt explained to the American people that his New Deal program would seek to deliver relief, recovery, and reform.  The government is in place to prevent humans from being naturally evil, and it should protect the people.  Assisting the public with money, food, and unemployment adds power to the government, which I am a fan of; a weak government would lead to murder of the people. The US government should just control every aspect of the peoples' lives though, I don't see why it would just give relief to people in need.


American Debt

I would be laughing at the fact that this happening because this is what I warn these people about. When using a democracy, This enhances the chances of debt because the people do not agree so they come to a compromise. When they compromise, they make the two ideas even worse, which cause things to go south. Like I said way back when, using the correct form of government, a monarchy, would lower the chances of debt, and all of those now helpless families would not be in the position they are today. With this government in control, America is likely to fall because when people are in debt their dissatisfaction with the government grows and brings up rebellion, making this government weak. -TKS

Friday, February 5, 2016

Oregon Wildlife Refuge

I have an extremely strong stand on the Oregon Wildlife refuge case. As the information shows, a group of people on January 2nd created a self-militia and ordered the federal government to local control. I greatly reject this stand by the people. An absolute dictatorship and government in which the people have little control over their actions is the correct way a society should function. Therefore, this keeps our civilians safe and out of trouble from the higher powers and authority. I want these protesters to be captured and put in jail for challenging the federal government. My brutish behavior does not put up with this challenging and I will be very active on this matter. If these people are let go, death will ensue and the federal government will lose control. That would be the wrong way to address this issue and to repeat, these people should be punished.


Wednesday, February 3, 2016

New Hampshire's Primary Election

Next Tuesday, the New Hampshire primary election will take place. The people will vote on who they want to be their delegate for the party of their choice who may eventually be their president. I do not agree with this. What is this nonsense with people deciding who rules them? The authoritative figures should decide who rules, because people are not trustworthy. They will choose the wrong representatives because they are innately evil and there is no way around it. My solution to this problem is to instead have America turn to a total monarchy where they can be controlled and not have to deal with this immense decision that should not be decided by common folk. Overall, I think New Hampshire’s primary election needs to be stopped.


Immigrants coming to the United States

Immigrants are pouring in from all over the world all for their safety however how can we say that what they are saying is true? What if they aren’t from the dangerous parts of the world and are just lying to get in? We can’t trust human nature because human nature isn’t trustworthy. Human nature’s first instinct is to lie therefore we can not trust just what people say. Also when we let people in who may not have are values and as educated as us we are putting a grand scheme of people, in the long run, at risk. We can not endanger a big group of people for the safety of one. Therefore all of this immigration stuff is nonsense. They should not be allowed into our country because it is endangering our safety.

By: KL

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Dream Act Opinion

The Dream Act is a bad idea because it allows illegal immigrant’s kids to become legalized which is not right. Human nature, in general, is bad, I have very little faith in it and by allowing illegal immigrants to be legalized giving them freedom that they may not deserve. Also people could lie and say that they have been here for longer than they have because human nature is inclined to lie because human nature isn’t good. Therefore less educated people will then be in the work force. I do believe in equality for everyone but this is putting too much trust in human nature that they will use their new citizenship for good and not evil. Colleges are already really competitive to get in and people are making bad decisions left and right based on their human nature so we need more education. Throw in more illegal students and colleges will be even hard to get into ruining this country. However American government is already bad because they are not a monarchy and that makes it hard to take anything they do seriously.  

Thoughts of the Patriot Act

The passing of the Patriot Act was a quality idea. This enabled people to be safer and regulated by the government. It is necessary for the government to be in control in order to ensure security in society. The Patriot Act allows authority to monitor emails and personal information to create a well functioning society. This keeps terrorists and danger out of the country and protects the citizens. Because all people are evil, the threat of invaders would be a pressing issue. However, if America did not have a democratic government in the first place, this problem would not be occurring. The Patriot Act is a great step in the right direction but needs to go further to control the people in the United States. Humans are not trustworthy and as a wise man once said, "It is not wisdom but authority that makes law" (Thomas Hobbes).